Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2015

My days, they are the highway kind

My days, they are the highway kind
They only come to leave
But the leavin' I don't mind
It's the comin' that I crave.
Pour the sun upon the ground
Stand to throw a shadow
Watch it grow into a night
And fill the spinnin' sky.

Time among the pine trees
It felt like breath of air
Usually I just walk these streets
And tell myself to care.
Sometimes I believe me
And sometimes I don't hear.
Sometimes the shape I'm in
Won't let me go.

Well, I don't know too much for true
But my heart knows how to pound
My legs know how to love someone
My voice knows how to sound.
Shame that it's not enough
Shame that it is a shame.
Follow the circle down
Where would you be?

You're the only one I want now
I never heard your name.
Let's hope we meet some day
If we don't it's all the same.
I'll meet the ones between us,
And be thinkin' 'bout you
And all the places I have seen
And why you where not there.

Montag, 27. Januar 2014

Black Moon Rising

I am in the process of analyzing my birth chart which is so much fun and really interesting. 
It's snowing outside.. my mind is blank.. I am tired.

Freitag, 17. Januar 2014

On my mind.

So what has been bothering me lately is the fact that I can't seem to find the time to do the things I desire to do. This sounds like a dumb excuse to not follow your bliss. But after coming home from work (although I come home at a reasonable time of the day) I feel myself drained of all energy, all I can do is lay on the couch and eat and watch stupid TV shows. It sucks. It completely disconnects me from my spirituality, my creativity and my imagination. I feel like it makes me dumb and dead...

The problem is I don't want my work life to be the MAIN focus of my day, of my life, of my hours spent on this planet. I don't want to waste breaths on the emotions I have when I feel drained of all my creative energy and strive. It is a terrible feeling.
And I still haven't found a remedy for this. Incrementing small things like lighting a candle in the evening and silently sit in prayer or simply drawing a rune/tarot or oracle Card is what I am trying to do at the moment.
It is a really small way to start but I guess I have to start with small steps...