Freitag, 12. Juli 2013

I just ride.

Last day at the office... counting the hours, watching the clock tick away the minutes. Because when the clock tells me it's 4 in the afternoon, I'm outta here! And I will be free for three weeks.
Summer Holidays with my man. And a motorcycle. And lots of Aperol. Vinyl. Sunbathing. Morning runs in the forest park. Swimming of course. Catching up on un-read books. Reconciling with my guitars again. They felt abandoned. I'm going to wake them from their gentle sleep to get lost in tunes after sunset.

I am fed up with this work shit. It doesn't mean anything to me. They all spend their lives like hamsters in a wheel, just working their fucking asses off pretending to be someone special because they have some sort of title before their names. To me they are all a bunch of LOSERS. A stupid carreer is not a LIFE.

Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2013

You come to a point where... realise that in order for your own happiness and sanity, you have to categorise the people around you in the following:

  • People who are actually important to you and who you take serious
  • People who are NOT important to you and what they say is actually meaningless to you and detrimental for your wellbeing.
When you think about it it all comes down to this. After my battle with depression, which was the darkest phase in my life, I have come to this conclusion that if someone is a total asshole/bitch to you without any reason whatsoever and you can hear their own bitterness everytime they speak, they are immediately in the second category and whatever they are going to do/say to me will bounce off of me completely. I might even laugh at them because I really pity their lives and yes, in this case I think that I AM better than those people because I don't take my frustration out on innocent people and make them feel like crap deliberately.

I will not give any of these people a say in my life. Ever. I will not take it personally, I just pity them that they cannot get their act together and are living a truly miserable life.

The only right attitude you need to have in life is the occasional FUCK YOU (even if you don't SAY it) to those people and just laugh it off because WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT, are they ANYTHING to you? Are they worth your anger, your worries, your tears maybe?
What are these People to YOU ?  ....  I won't let anyone get in the way of my happiness again. They better brace themselves.

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013

Just a quick update...

Again, I have totally abandoned this blog. I don't even care if no one reads all this but I just want something, an outlet I guess where I can put some of my creativity, thoughts, photos and what not. Why can't I keep up with this?

I guess I just don't like that this blog does not have a specific theme.. but I don't wanna open up a new blog talking about some other topic because then I will abandon this one even more...

I will try to update this blog next week with photos I take because I will have three weeks off of work and we will probably be doing some fun things.

Soo.. whatever, hope to get some ideas for this blog soon.. :/

Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2013

Dazed and Confused...

There is this strange feeling that I get these days.
I can't explain.
Is it disappointment?
Is it tiredness?
You never seem to care.
Am I just hurt by other things?
On the verge of a nervous breakdown all the time.
Is this the way to live?

Montag, 29. April 2013

Crystal Love.

So I just got this idea to do something like a series on this blog. I want to blog more regularly with a certain topic in mind and not be all over the place like usual. Arrgh, I want this blog to be so many things... 

Anyway, I am planning to do some blog posts about my crystals/stones that I have collected over the past few years and especially the last months where my love for them has grown again. To get to know every stone better I will spend a week with it, for example, carry it around with me, hold it in my hand during the day, put it under my pillow at night, meditate with it, etc.... 

I think this will actually be a fun thing to do, because I feel like I have gathered so many stones but have only "worked" with a few of them. Also, it would give me a topic for this blog. Yay!

The series will be called "Crystal Love". It will not replace regular updates and "things from my mind" on weird intervals though. So, once in a week I will write my experiences with the chosen stone here.

Freitag, 1. Februar 2013

Freitag, 11. Januar 2013

Witchy Times. #1

Current altar setup.

My new companion.

LATE Christmas blog post.

X-Mas Lunch was a huge yummy salmon. 

Our tree. 

Christmas Eve with The Grinch, Cake and Eggnog!!     

Yankee Candle Sugared Apple as a gift- love the scent!